WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.
WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.


It’s so easy to take things for granted- especially in America- we have so much and we are so very blessed.    Often times, it’s

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Business Growth

Do you have a dream or goal to GROW your business? Partnering with other successful people who have been down that road can remove some

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The 5 Steps of Hiring

I remember sitting in a job interview many years ago and being told I did not have enough experience to be awarded the job. How

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Customer Service

Welcome to Total Merchant Concepts Excellence is Our Minimum Standard! Many businesses promise excellent customer service… at TMC, it is our PASSION! From the moment you begin

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Our Passion Is Service

Best Customer Service! Stellar Service Guaranteed! Award-Winning Customer Service! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! As consumers, we are all sick and tired of hearing the many

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