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WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.
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WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.

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Developing a Culture of Positive Growth

Developing a Culture of Positive Growth and forward progress has been something I have worked on for years! The idea of turning my Credit Card Processing Company into so much more- has always fascinated me and made working in the business anything but mundane! Today, TMC is a rare company- a place where people GO TO GROW and a place where people take enormous pride in their work and the impact they have on people.   The beautiful part about this ‘second baby’ of mine is that it is also a profitable, systemized business that offers great career opportunities for existing and new team members.  Looking back over the years, the transition from ‘business as usual’ to ‘business with a heart & a purpose’ was not easy but it was

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Considering AI

Considering AI: The Future is Now (and It’s Hilarious) In today’s whirlwind of technological wizardry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out like that quirky friend who somehow manages to both amaze and confuse you at the same time. From virtual assistants that seem to understand your deepest desires (like Siri knowing you want pizza on Friday night) to machine learning algorithms that recommend TV shows eerily aligned with your taste (thanks, Netflix, for assuming my soul craves endless romantic comedies). AI is becoming our digital BFF. As we consider the implications and potentials of AI, let’s dive into the benefits and challenges it poses—with a side of humor! The Promise of AI (Or: Why Robots Might Save Us from Laundry) AI is here to save the day, imagine a

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To HIRE or Not to HIRE?

I remember sitting in a job interview many years ago and being told I did not have enough experience to be awarded the job. How in the world was I supposed to GET experience if they would not hire me?? That particular ‘experience’ would season the way I would hire people as a business owner in the future. Experience is a double-edged sword- we often gain experience by figuring things out while we are on the way to becoming proficient! When we are looking at filling positions here at TMC, we definitely ‘consider’ work experience but not how you might think! Here are the top 5 things we are looking for before we make a HIRING decision (in the order in which we feel they are important):  1- The

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