WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.
WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.

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As businesses, we are paying TONS for credit card fraud prevention! We need to remember that there are simple things we can do to prevent the improper use of credit cards, thereby reducing some of that darn credit card fraud! I was reminded of this recently when I watched a customer get upset after being asked for ID (even though the back of their card said SEE ID ). This past weekend, I saw a ‘Better Signed Than Sorry’ flyer at a local store (call our office if you would like to have one of these flyers!). This reminded me that fraud prevention starts with the basics! The back of a credit card needs to be signed in order to be considered a valid credit card! Personally, make

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Slip Showing?

Slip Showing? This article was taken from the FTC’s web site. Here at TMC we want to remind all of our merchants to be aware of the truncation laws so that you can protect yourself against fines and disgruntled customers! If you need any assistance with making sure the full card number is not listed on your receipts give our office a call at 1-888-249-9919 or email us: Service@TotalMerchantConcepts.com Federal Law Requires All Businesses to Truncate Credit Card Information on Receipts What’s on the credit and debit card receipts you give your customers? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, says it’s time for companies to check their receipts and make sure they’re complying with a law that’s been in effect for all businesses since

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Service Please?

A funny- lighthearted story about the little things that make a big difference! As I so often do these days, I took a lunch order from my lovely partner Christie “Have it your way” Tadday. I drove down to *Big Burger Barn and placed my order. As I pulled up to the window, the young gentleman that greeted me took my money, and asked me “would you like some ketchup or salt for the fries?” A nice gesture, and one that is most-likely required by upper management. I listened to his offer, and countered with, “actually can I get a couple things of Ranch?” He quickly informed me that in order to get 2 sides of Ranch it would be an additional $.22 each (per item fee?/LOL) I

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