Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is something of a PayDay loan. You borrow money against your future credit card revenue. The companies that make these types of loans, review your annual credit card processing volume and determine how much they will loan you. While credit is always reviewed, the companies that make these types of loans are willing to take a risk on people with less than stellar credit. The reason behind this is because they charge a very heavy percentage in order to make the loans and they have direct access to your checking account so funds are debited automatically- before you receive your credit card deposits.
At Total Merchant Concepts, we have an MCA product available. We highly discourage the use of the product and we always advise you to visit your financial institution first! But if you find yourself in a place where you have decided to move forward with a MCA product — we will be happy to help you make the best possible decision and still keep you processing with great rates and unparalleled service!
Merchant Cash Advance loans are easier to qualify for and the approval process can usually take less than 2 weeks. Merchants are able to levy their future credit card processing activity to gain immediate capital for various needs- inventory, employee costs etc. Because the loan is tied to your processing volume, once the loan is paid off- it is relatively easy to gain additional loans in the future.
Because Merchant Cash Advances (and the companies that provide them) are not governed by traditional lending rules and regulations, they are able to get away with charging extremely high percentage rates for their service.
The nature of the business is such that merchant cash advance companies go out of business all of the time and merchants who find themselves in the middle of the approval process when one of these companies does go out of business are stuck trying to resubmit their applications elsewhere.
Often times, merchant advance companies require that you process credit cards through their own provider and the credit card processing rates of these ‘preferred processors’ can be inflated. Once you enter into a merchant cash advance agreement, you immediately reduce your cash flow since a good percentage of incoming credit card charges will be going towards paying off the loan; careful planning can mitigate the risks associated with the reduced cash flow.
Many companies who find themselves in the financial situation that would have them considering a merchant advance, are in trouble and this tends to be a last resort type of loan- often times, the companies who partake of merchant cash advances soon find themselves in an even deeper financial ditch.