WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.
WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.

Invoices & Recurring Billing

Automate Payments with Invoicing & Recurring Billing

As a business owner, having ways to save you time and money is important, and one great way to do this is by setting up automation and invoicing for your payments!

Here are a few reasons recurring and invoicing payments can help our business and save your business TIME and Money.

Speed Up Payments

Imagine spending less time chasing down payments! Relying on automation to send out payment reminders means MORE money in your pocket faster and less chasing down unpaid invoices.

Improve Your Cash Flow

Cash flow is important to ANY business. By using both invoicing and recurring payments, you will have fewer late payments and more money in your pocket.

Enhance Customer Relationships

Instead of being perceived as a one-time vendor, recurring billing or invoicing sets you up as an extension of your client’s daily operations.

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