WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.
WHY the Smiley? Lots of people ask us “What in the heck does a SMILEY FACE have to do with Credit Card Processing and why does everything TMC does, have a Smiley attached to it?”- we love the question and here is the simple answer. MOST business owners do not find JOY in working with their credit card processor- in fact, quite the opposite! So when we decided to take care of businesses and their processing needs, we knew we had to be different. The SMILEY FACE sends a certain message: We are glad to see you, hear you, work with you and to be of service. We CARE about you and we will do everything we can to put a smile on your face. Credit card processing is one of the products we provide but Taking Care of People and delivering a SMILE WORTHY experience is who we are and WHY we do what we do.

Credit Card Issuer Response Code

Credit Cards can be declined for numerous reasons.
Here are the most common codes along with the response reason.

Table of Contents

0 - 9

Code Response Code
0 Approved
1 Refer to Card Issuer
2 Refer to Issuer's special conditions
3 Invalid Merchant
4 Pick Up Card
5 Do Not Honor
6 Error
7 Pick Up Card, Special Conditions
8 Honor with identification
9 Request in Progress

10 - 19

Code Response Code
10 Partial Amount Approved
11 VIP Approval
12 Invalid Transaction
13 Invalid Amount
14 Invalid Card Number
15 No Such Issuer
16 Approved, update track 3
17 Customer Cancellation
18 Customer Dispute
19 Re-enter Transaction

20 - 29

Code Response Code
20 Invalid Response
21 No Action Taken (no match)
22 Suspected Malfunction
23 Unacceptable Transaction Fee
24 File Update not Supported by Receiver
25 Unable to Locate Record on File
26 Duplicate File Update Record
27 File Update Field Edit Error
28 File Update File Locked Out
29 File Update not Successful

30 - 39

Code Response Code
30 Format Error
31 Bank not Supported by Switch
32 Completed Partially
33 Expired Card - Pick Up
34 Suspected Fraud - Pick Up
35 Contact Acquirer - Pick Up
36 Restricted Card - Pick Up
37 Call Acquirer Security - Pick Up
38 Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
39 No CREDIT Account

40 - 49

Code Response Code
40 Requested Function not Supported
41 Lost Card - Pick Up
42 No Universal Amount
43 Stolen Card - Pick Up
44 No Investment Account

50 - 59

Code Response Code
51 Insufficient Funds
52 No Cheque Account
53 No Savings Account
54 Expired Card
55 Incorrect PIN
56 No Card Record
57 Trans. not Permitted to Cardholder
58 Transaction not Permitted to Terminal
59 Suspected Fraud

60 - 69

Code Response Code
60 Card Acceptor Contact Acquirer
61 Exceeds Withdrawal Amount Limits
62 Restricted Card
63 Security Violation
64 Original Amount Incorrect
65 Exceeds Withdrawal Frequency Limit
66 Card Acceptor Call Acquirer Security
67 Hard Capture - Pick Up Card at ATM
68 Response Received Too Late

70 - 79

Code Response Code
75 Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
76 Previous message not found
77 Data does not match original message

80 - 89

Code Response Code
80 Invalid Date
81 Cryptographic failure
82 Incorrect CVV
83 Unable to verify PIN
84 Invalid authorization life cycle
85 No reason to decline
86 ATM Malfunction
87 No Envelope Inserted
88 Unable to Dispense
89 Administration Error

90 - 99

Code Response Code
90 Cut-off in Progress
91 Issuer or Switch is Inoperative
92 Financial Institution Not Found
93 Trans Cannot be Completed
94 Duplicate Transmission
95 Reconcile Error
96 System Malfunction
97 Reconciliation Totals Reset
98 MAC Error
99 Reserved for National Use

A - Z

Code Response Code
N0 Force STIP (VISA)
N3 Cash Service Not Available (VISA)
N4 Cash request exceeds issuer limit (VISA)
N7 Decline for CVV2 failure (VISA)
P2 Invalid biller information (VISA)
P5 PIN Change Unblock Declined (VISA)
P6 Unsafe PIN (VISA)
XA Forward to issuer
XD Forward to issuer
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